Understand your performance. Take decisions quickly. Guide the business forward.
Back up your decisions with exceptional financial intelligence
Oracle Fusion Financial Management integrates all of your enterprise’s financial applications under one platform, delivering deeper insight into the business and improving the odds of reaching the right decisions at the right time.

Consolidated financial intelligence with real-time analytical reporting, for faster, better decision-making

Smarter Workflow
Cut out menial tasks with better data integration, simplified processes and automated workflows.

Curated Interface
Role-based UI that puts the right information in front of the right people.

Intelligent Accounting
Consolidate reports, proactively monitor processes, and push exceptions to the people who need to take action.
Experience Oracle Fusion Financial Management today
The Financial Management Suite

General Ledger

Cash And Expence Management

Accounts Payable

Asset Management

Accounts Receivable

Payments And Collections

KPIs, Dashboards, Configurations Extensibility